
5 things I should probably do before I decide to formally review Posterous.com :)

1. Post more than just one picture alongside a sentence.
2. Ensure that my posterous account is successfully linked to my Facebook and Twitter to allow maximum exposure
3. Try and post using my phone email instead of the computer
4. Attempt to find at least ONE other person I know in the world that has one of these accounts and communicate with them via Posterous
5. Be sure I understand whether this is a writing TOOL or a writing SPACE



  1. Courtney-

    I hope you enjoy using posterous.com for the review. After looking around on the site for myself, I was pretty impressed to see how the other users used their blogs/posts as (what seemed to be) a creative space. One users blog I came across (that I can't locate anymore) told his stories through pictures instead of text which is always interesting to look at. I'm sure you'll find your own creative way to use the site as well.

    Your to do list setting up for this assignment covers just about everything we discussed in class yesterday and you seem enthused about this assignment. Good luck with it! :)


  2. Wow! Great list Courtney! You hit on every point. If you don't mind, I might use a couple of them : ). I hope the site can live up to what you are looking for. It sounds like a fun site to share your thoughts. I think being able to connect to any sit via your cell phone is a big must. Every phone has internet access now and people are always doing things on the go because of it. I just put the FB app on my phone so that I can check it when I am out of the house. It seems that we are always trying new ways for technology to simplify our lives.

  3. Hi Courtney, If you have to send your posts to pousterous.com via e-mail, does that mean that you'll need to have an account everywhere they post your writings, or you will have only one writing space for your post? I am a little confused. :) I think this website could work as both, writing space, and writing tool. Good luck with your review! :)

  4. Hi Courtney ~

    If you are looking for other posterous users to communicate with, check out Albert's blog and Katie's blog.

    Like everyone else, I dig the list!

    ~ Cathy
