
final website decision :)

Soooooooo...after wrestling with the decision about my website topic, I have settled on using my Technological Autobiography. This decision came to me for 2 main reasons. 1) It is the earliest assignment we did, therefore something I don't mind revisiting this late in the game and 2) when all else fails, write about yourself. I have decided to take my site viewers on a journey through my stages of computers, websites, typing, and eventually social networking, linking to my current blogs and even pictures of my first computers. My argument will be based on the fact that I am a product of a severely technological generation and prove this by displaying all the ways in which I use technology.

Hopefully I got this arugment/topic thing right :)


website wonders

Website ideas!!! :)

1. Autobiography: My literacy autobiography focused a lot on my education and my parents occupation as teachers. Although I did enjoy writing my autobiography, I don't think there is enough information to really make an interesting website.

2. My review was on the website Posterous. This could make for an interesting website because I enjoyed using this site and there is more I could explore. I was also thinking I could compare and contrast Posterous with other blogging and networking sites to possibly formulate my argument that Posterous is a good site. BUT, now that I think about it, this may not be enough juicy info for a website either.

3. My research paper was on online and interactive fiction. This is probably my best bet for a website because there is a lot people don't know about online fiction since it isnt extremely popular so there are a lot of different links and authors I can expose in my website. Also, I was hoping to write a piece of online fiction because I enjoy writing fiction and have never done so online.

but overall, I'm stuck and not sure what my website will be yet. (I'm still recovering from the research paper!) :)


Research Rut

Hi. I'm Courtney, the bad news bearer. After writing the rough draft (and I mean ROUGH) draft of my research paper, I was frustrated to say the least. While my topic interested me and I usually have no problems sitting down and writing, I was stuck on this paper to say the least. My research through me over the edge, partly because of the lack of research I found. I had a hard time finding research specific to my topic and once I did find any good journals, the opinions were extremely vague and almost uninformed. Therefore, I decided to scrap my annotated bib and start from scratch, writing my rough draft with only 2 sources and my own opinion. Now I feel more prepared with this clean slate. After reading Amanda's comments on my paper, I felt much more successful because of her positive feedback on parts of my paper that I thought I made no sense. In addition, after going back over my paper with fresh eyes, I realize that I have a good base and can now move forward with my research. Also, once Cathy informed us we can use "I", I was ecstatic. Being a creative writer, the use of "I" is huge for me as it makes me more comfortable to use my creative voice. Often times, I jumble my thoughts in research papers because I focus on sounding formal so by using my own voice I feel I will have more success writing my final draft.