
final website decision :)

Soooooooo...after wrestling with the decision about my website topic, I have settled on using my Technological Autobiography. This decision came to me for 2 main reasons. 1) It is the earliest assignment we did, therefore something I don't mind revisiting this late in the game and 2) when all else fails, write about yourself. I have decided to take my site viewers on a journey through my stages of computers, websites, typing, and eventually social networking, linking to my current blogs and even pictures of my first computers. My argument will be based on the fact that I am a product of a severely technological generation and prove this by displaying all the ways in which I use technology.

Hopefully I got this arugment/topic thing right :)


  1. I look forward to seeing this, since I've seen a few of us going with the research paper, and its a change of pace. Good luck. ^^ *thumbs up*

  2. Courtney ~

    You and Albert may be the only ones who picked the autobiography as the inspiration for the web site. What you've got here looks fine. I have one question (that you can probably only answer as your text emerges in draft form): how is this going to employ the principles of associative argument?
    ~ Cathy

  3. I thoroughly enjoyed doing my website on my tech bio. While it is a bit scattered, I feel it really shows who I am as an author and as a student of technology. Each link I provided will hopefully prove that I have embraced the world of technology that surrounds me and show that I use each avenue of the online world to express myself and my passion for writing and being creative.
